Saturday, June 1, 2013

Who Will You Be When You Grow Up?

When I was in first grade I remember I wanted to be a nurse. Not sure why, other then in the 1960s, that was one of the acceptable vocations that I knew was common for a woman to be when they became an adult. When I think about it now, what I intuitively realized then, was that I wanted to serve others.

When I was in 5th grade, I wanted to be an artist. Not sure why, other then I loved to draw and create things. What I know now was that being creative was always important to me.

When I was in 7th and 8th grade, I felt that I didn’t fit into the world of my peers. I loved church camp and being outdoors. Where I didn’t fit in was what I considered as silly conversations that weren’t important in the big picture of things. What I know now, but didn’t have vocabulary for then, nor an understanding, was that the spiritual and purpose of life was important to me, at least from an intuitive level. I just didn’t call it that.

When I was in high school, I would hear peers talk about the parties and concerts they would go to, and who threw up or got hit by a flying wine bottle. Really?! Why would someone want to pay to get hit by a wine bottle at a concert? What I didn’t know then was that, intuitively, meaning and purpose in life was bigger than the moment.

What do all of these have in common, other than recognizing a developmental process? Somehow, somewhere, I was taught to listen to what is important to me. Even though I am not a nurse, I recognized in 1st grade the desire to serve others. Even though I am not an artist, I still love to be creative. And I now have an understanding of the richness of my spiritual experiences and nurture and encourage others to grow their own understanding of their life and purpose as a vocation.

These are the types of experiences that have led me to live the life I love, as a minister, a life coach and a mental health coach. This comes from listening to myself through the years. This calls me to continue to listen to who God has created me to be and how God has called me to serve.

How has God guided you through your life? Who has God called you to be? How are you called to serve? Who will you be when you grow up? Are you listening? 

1 comment:

  1. I am listening, and how strange I randomly landed on your post! Just what the universe ordered, thank you. :)
