Monday, August 15, 2011

What Is Meant By "Empowering Authenticity?"

One reader of the last (and first) blog post asked me what I wanted to accomplish with this blog. That was a great and thought-provoking question. Even before this blogspot was started, I have been giving a lot of thought on what it means to be authentic, to be genuine. “Of course it means being really who we are meant to be!” you say? Do you know who that is for you?

As I have done my counseling and life coaching in the last several years, I realize that even older adults who are well grounded, intelligent and quite competent sometimes struggle to answer the question of “What are your personal values?” Often, the first responses are “family”, which is often (in my social circles) followed by “faith”. They may name other important values. All which are excellent and worthy to follow. So, then I ask, “ When you are stressed out or feeling off center, are these the values that help you to refocus on the life that is important to you and the ones that help you to be grounded again?”

My understanding of authenticity is about not only being genuine, it is also about being the person that God has created you and I to be. Looking for the person within that finds energy in what I am doing, living out of my core values, and utilizing them to help me steer through life experiences. For most life coaching clients, I will ask this question to them about their core values. If they stammer, say “I don’t know”, or what do you mean?, then I realize that they need to know what their own foundation is before they can build on it. If you don’t know what is most important in your life and what personal core values guide you, how can you make your best decisions?

This is what I mean, in part, by “empowering authenticity”. This is about myself in that I am seeking my own authenticity. This is imperative in order for me to step back and free others to find their way on their own journey. “Empowering Authenticity” is also about what I believe I am called to do for others…making a safe and professional space for others to find healing, explore their own needs and wants, and grow into their more beautiful and genuine selves. Corny, perhaps. But, imagine if everyone really took this seriously….seriously! I believe this is what God has called me to, that is to grow closer to Him and live out of that with integrity and compassion and with authenticity, and to accompany others according to their need in finding the path for their authentic and whole selves.

Are you living the life you are intended to live? Do you feel grounded, energized, hopeful in going forward? Are you living out of our own personal core values? Live authentically, and you can empower others to do the same!

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